Features and Services
Travels and Transport Management System
Travels and Transport Management Solutions

Manage your vehicles, orders, customers to run your Travels, Transport and Cargo business more friendly and efficieantly. Your business will be listed in our search engine and make it available for public search. We also publish your available vehicles at the same Geo location to get calls and fast bookings.

Fleet Management System
Fleet Management and Vehicle Tracking System

Buy a GPS Tracking Device from us and install in your vehicle(s). Our system provides an interface to track your vehicle's current location and to manage Fuel, Insurance and Vehicle's Health.

Speedometer at Desk
Speedometer At Desk

Provision to monitor your vehicles speed and driving performance to check how safely your vehicle is moving. More useful to the transporters carrying sensitive goods.

Vehicle Tracking
Vehicle Search and Fast Booking

Publish your vehicle in our search engine and get ready for calls. People usually finds nearest vehicles under return trip. These vehicles will get at cheeper price. Chances of vehicle reservations are more from Geo Vehicles.